Town-appointed committee votes 10-2 against Deepwater’s Wainscott landing site

The Town-appointed Wainscott Citizens Advisory Committee (WCAC) overwhelmingly voted (10-2) against a Beach Lane landfall site in December due to community members voicing their concerns. They wrote the Town Board, who appointed them, on Christmas Eve:

It is evident in Exhibit 3 of the Public Service Commission filing, “South Fork Export Cable Landing Site Alternatives,” that there are numerous advantages to using the Hither Hills site. As a Town appointed body representing the people of Wainscott, the WCAC requests that the Town not grant an easement to Deepwater Wind to come on shore at Beach Lane. This request represents the large majority of the WCAC and Wainscott residents …

Denial of the developer’s request for an easement at Beach Lane does not prevent East Hampton from adding wind power to its sources of alternative energy since Hither Hills State Park has been identified as a viable alternative landing site. However, this denial will save the larger Wainscott community from environmental disturbances and disruptions listed above.

See the full letter here.